Saturday, 21 May 2016

I Satisfy My Daughter Sexually. She Doesn't Need Any Man. REALLY?

Was surfing through Facebook and I cam across a shared post. I couldn't desist my eyes from what I saw. My brain still passing the message down my spine with my mouth opened. I heaved a heavy sigh.

I mean, that caption sounds irritating and unacceptable to me. I don't know of you. I detest against such. Well, anyone who is in his/her right thinking drive will know it's so wrong, awkward and absurd.
If you can read through the lines, you will know something is wrong.

I've always been asked like an African mother will tell her son. Why haven't you married? Yeah! That's the question. Mine is a bit different from that. Why are you single? You want to know? Contact me personally and I will tell you.

I remember when God instituted marriage. He never said thy shall leave your mother and cling to your father. He said for you shall leave your father and mother and cling together to be one. I don't want to believe the only or major reason why we want to marry is for sex. It is also written "because of sexual immorality, every man should get himself a wife and a woman get herself a husband." 1 Cor 7:2.

Asides that, there are many things marriage entails. The creation of marriage is
recorded in Genesis 2:23-24: "The
man said, ‘This is now bone of my
bones and flesh of my flesh; she
shall be called “woman,” for she
was taken out of man.’ For this
reason a man will leave his father
and mother and be united to his
wife, and they will become one
flesh." Like I mentioned earlier on.

God created man and then
made woman to complement him.
Marriage is God’s “fix” for the fact
that “it is not good for the man to
be alone” Genesis 2:18.
I am addressing this because there are right now many wrong perceptions about marriage. And it's a pity Teenagers are beginning to fall victim of these. The rate at which teenagers hunger for this is quite alarming.

Yes! We all want to get married. But the question is DO YOU WANT TO BE GET MARRIED AND BE HAPPY?

Haha! I know your answer already. Yes! Nobody wants anything bad. As you've wished that, what knowledge do you have about marriage? For the fact that popular and humble Nollywood actress Omotola-Jalade Ekeinde got married at an early age. In fact, as a teenager; doesn't mean yours too will be as Rossy as hers.
You don't know what has been covered and how many things has been covered.
In fact, here and right now I have a perfect picture of how I want my own home and family to be. We all have that mapped out right? But sometimes it doesn't always be as we've planned it to be.

And that leads me to these questions.

1. What do know as marriage? Are you planning for a wedding or marriage?

2. What are your visions and perspective as being a mother and a wife, a husband and a father?

3. Can you maintain a home?

4. What are certain measures you take when it comes to family?

5. Can you switch from being a boss at work and being a wife and mother at home?

I could go on and on. Can you find answers to those? It isn't all about having children. It's all about being happy, growth and finding who you really are.

Mind you, I'm not a therapist neither am I marriage counsellor. I can only do my best within my own knowledge and God's directions.



Friday, 20 May 2016

Why Steal From What's Yours III. Concluding Part.

I didn't have intentions to prolong this article. I guess when God isn't through with you, you just have to move along with his flow.

If you've been following the post, then you know what I have been emphasizing. It's a misplace conception about what the "society" portrayed or protrays around most especially through media whic should be of more good than harm.

There's no two words to describe SEX before marriage other than FORNICATION. And for whatever reasons you need to react through actions, there are always consequences.

There are many consequences that
result from being disobedient to
God when it comes to FORNICATION.
First of all you are defiling His holy
temple as we saw earlier in 1
Corinthians 6:19. Would you go
into a church and vandalize the
sanctuary? That is the same thing
as defiling your body, which is a
temple of the Holy Spirit. Another
consequence is unwanted
pregnancy. Statistics have
skyrocketed into a negative
direction as a result of fornication. If
people would save sex until
marriage, there never would have
been a movement to legalize
abortion which is also sin. Abortion
came about as a result of man
trying to cover up sin. Due to
disobedience to God, approximately
46 million babies have been aborted
since 1973.

The current count for
abortions in the U.S. per year stands
at 1.3 million. Due to fornication, 40
percent of babies are born out of
marriage yearly. That is a 30
percent increase from just twenty
years ago. Due to fornication over
65 million people in the US have a
viral STD with nearly 19 million new
cases each year. Percentage wise,
nearly half of people will contract an
STD in their lifetime.
Fornication also relates to why 50%
of marriages end in divorce. This is
because many go into marriage with
wounded emotions, spirits, and
diseased bodies. When you decide
to lie with someone outside of
marriage, stop and think about
whether you want to get married
some day or not. If you are like most
people, you will desire marriage at
some point. The day may come
when you have found the love you
have always dreamed of but having
to face that person and tell them of
all the prior partners and sexually
transmitted diseases that you are
dragging into your marriage may
not go over too well and can be
devastating...especially if your
potential spouse's background is at
the opposite end of the spectrum.

Therefore, many marriages begin
with two strikes against it already if
the relationship does not die
before making it to the altar. When
you choose to fornicate, you sin
against your own body and against
a possible future spouse. There are
many cases of a spouse having a life
long struggle with their mate's

If you are a woman, think about if
you desire having kids some day.
100,000 to 150,000 women
become infertile each year as a
result of STDs. And if you do not
become infertile, some STDs can
cause your child to be born with
defects such as blindness. Don't
make your child suffer because of
your disobedience to God. Even if a
child has no physical defect, a single
parent home can cause them to
have emotional scars due to lack of
love from a mother and a father.

Yorubas will say "O ba. Ko ti baje".
There's always a way out. And that way is REPENTANCE.

For God gives warning to the fate of
fornicators that do not repent, "But
the cowardly, unbelieving,
abominable, murderers, sexually
immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all
liars shall have their part in the lake
which burns with fire and
brimstone, which is the second
death." - Revelation 21:8.
"Marriage is honorable among all,
and the bed undefiled; but
fornicators and adulterers God will
judge." - Hebrews 13:4. If you
have committed fornication and
lived a promiscuous lifestyle, don't
beat yourself up, just repent while
you still have time. Many factors
may have contributed to you being
that way but you can make a
complete change. If you will confess
your sins and repent, God is willing
to wash it all away. Jesus paid the
price for all sins when He died on
the cross. Do not allow His sacrifice
to be a waste in your life. Repent
now and become a born again
virgin. "Repent ye therefore, and be
converted, that your sins may be
blotted out, when the times of
refreshing shall come from the
presence of the Lord." - Acts 3:19.
After you have repented, fast and
pray so that God will give you the
power to reject temptation. Find
someone that you trust that can
hold you accountable. That person
can encourage you during your walk
with God.
There are many cases in the Bible
when God used women who were
harlots for His cause. Rahab was a
prostitute in Jericho. She hid the
Israelite spies that came to take
over her city. For this act, she and
her family were spared during the
invasion. Her faith was commended
in Hebrews 11:31 and she is even
listed in the genealogy of Jesus
Christ. Tamar is another example;
she played the harlot by seducing
Judah but is also listed in the
genealogy of Jesus Christ. These
examples were not given to glorify
fornication but to show that God can
use anyone and is willing to forgive
if you will turn to Him.

Having sex outside of marriage can lead to
severe consequences such as
unwanted pregnancy, abortion,
incurable STDs, losing the person
you would like to marry, divorce,
having a child with birth defects,
becoming infertile, and demonic
possession. And on top of all of that,
you are defiling the temple that
belongs to Christ.

Before giving in,
ask yourself is it worth it?


Why Steal From What's Yours? II

Or maybe I need to rephrase that. WHY STEAL FROM WHAT'S MEANT TO BE YOURS?

Yes and right. That egg was meant to be mine. As a matter of fact it was mine. That represents your partner. Either you know or have met them. It has a simple logic. There's no human that doesn't get hungry. So in that, we eat to satisfy and grow ourselves. Likewise SEX. We have urges at different times and awkward times. But we can subdue that. Once you activate, you won't stop having urges.

SEX before marriage becomes more like an addiction especially to those who don't even have plans of settling down. You will ask some and they will say "please I just want to have my time while I'm still here". Another when asked will say "life is beautiful and the ladies in it. So I want to enjoy both". You hear funny overrated things which shouldn't be accepted no matter what.
In my previous post, I said I was going to talk about sex problems. Which may be premature ejaculation and all. I don't want to dwell too much in that. But God who brought you bot together knows definitely there's a solution somewhere. He won't bring you this far and leave you halfway so you deal with it all alone. Some are lessons to be learned and some others; to prove God is supreme.

SEX before marriage. You're sharing a whole lot of things with the other person. They might not manifest immediately but they sure are waiting for you until you seek genuine repentance from God. You've wondered why you aren't progressing spiritually? You wonder why you suddenly started acting strange?

Do you not know that your bodies
are members of Christ? Shall I then
take the members of Christ and
make them members of a harlot?
Certainly not! Or do you not know
that he who is joined to a harlot is
one body with her? For "the two,"
He says, "shall become one flesh."
But he who is joined to the Lord is
one spirit with Him. Flee sexual
immorality. Every sin that a man
does is outside the body, but he
who commits sexual immorality sins
against his own body. Or do you not
know that your body is the temple
of the Holy Spirit who is in you,
whom you have from God, and you
are not your own? For you were
bought at a price; therefore glorify
God in your body and in your spirit,
which are God's. - 1 Corinthians

Another one...
Yes, you read that scripture
correctly, he that has sex with a
harlot (prostitute) becomes one
body with her. And since she has
had multiple partners that became
one with her, you become one with
all of them. By committing
fornication you are taking what
belongs to Christ and giving it to
whoredom. This scripture does not
apply just to harlots. It applies to
everyone. This is why Apostle Paul
stated the following, "lest, when I
come again, my God will humble me
among you, and I shall mourn for
many who have sinned before and
have not repented of the
uncleanness, fornication, and
lewdness which they have
practiced". - 2 Corinthians 12:21.
He refers to this behavior as
uncleanness. God speaks strongly
against fornication throughout the
Bible. It is not a gray area that He
tip-toes around. There are
numerous passages that forbid
fornication. "But fornication and all
uncleanness or covetousness, let it
not even be named among you, as
is fitting for saints;" - Ephesians
5:3. God even refers to evil nations
as harlots, "For true and righteous
are His judgments, because He has
judged the great harlot who
corrupted the earth with her
fornication; and He has avenged on
her the blood of His servants shed
by her." - Revelation 19:2.

In my next and ending post, I will highlight the consequences and to those who think they've lost their virginity and all is lost. Hang on! There's still hope.

Why Steal From What's Yours?

What I'm about to say: doesn't mean I support or disagree with anything. It's just my opinions being aired.

I must admit I am a big time food lover. Can't get to quit eating in volumes because of exercises. At least, if I have to have a fat belly it means I am rich. LOL! Just as my favorite part of my father's house is the kitchen and I'm actually thinking when my house is to be designed, well... You know the rest.

You might have heard of this statement one way or the other. "HOW DO YOU STEAL FROM WHAT'S YOURS?"
Yeah! That's right. There's no misappropriated word there.

I made egg sauce this morning without me having my bathe yet. I did that so once I'm done cleaning myself, I will have that wonderful breakfast without delay. Joyfully, I diced and sliced all the neccesities and BOOM! It was done in few minutes.
Meanwhile, I had to run errands for my Dad and serve his breakfast too. Waiting for the kettle's whistle, I noticed the egg staring at me and I couldn't get my supposed glance off. It was so attractive.

Then an idea halted into me. Eat litle out of it. It's yours. So why waste your time? I didn't even give it half a second thought before I started picking from the edges.

You're getting bored right?

To cut everything short, it dawned on me that since the egg was mine and I had made it in a nice way I shouldn't have done that! Why? That's the question I asked out aloud like I had another partner there.

What's mine will be mine right? No doubt because no thief whatsoever, whosoever and from whereever will have permission to what's mine. I wanted to satisfy my immediate urge of hunger which literally I wasn't hungry that much. But suddenly, with the sight of the egg sauce it looked like I was an ulcer patient. Eventually, when I was set and done to devour the breakfast, I wasn't fulfilled. I mean I wasn't satisfied. I had to look for another support.

That's how SEX is. SEX is like an everlasting magnet which sometimes doesn't have a repel force. It's always attracting no matter the pole. Some says being a celibate works. Cool! With the help of God. And can I add that if you don't decide deep down in your heart to be a celibate, you won't achieve it.

Some says SEX before marriage is not bad. As a matter of fact, it's appropriate. To some cultures and beliefs, it's to know If your man is strong enough in bed or impotent and to some is to know if your woman to be is really a virgin.
I want to believe that what God created is beautiful. All his creations have reasons and that's why he gave us dominion over all. He said we are the apple of his eye so I see no reason why God will give you something which is bad.

You don't need to have SEX before you know the woman or man you really want to be. The problem is once your SEX mode has been activated, your sex urge(s) are not going to stop coming. Infact they will embark on full rage of armies displaced all around you left with no option than to surrender. You seriously don't need SEX as a determinant of whom you will marry. SEX is more spiritual than physical. It is beyond just the opening of the female organs for the grand entry of the male organs.

You might want to ask me. What if you find out your partner or yourself is having SEX problems?

I will give details in my next post.