Saturday, 21 May 2016

I Satisfy My Daughter Sexually. She Doesn't Need Any Man. REALLY?

Was surfing through Facebook and I cam across a shared post. I couldn't desist my eyes from what I saw. My brain still passing the message down my spine with my mouth opened. I heaved a heavy sigh.

I mean, that caption sounds irritating and unacceptable to me. I don't know of you. I detest against such. Well, anyone who is in his/her right thinking drive will know it's so wrong, awkward and absurd.
If you can read through the lines, you will know something is wrong.

I've always been asked like an African mother will tell her son. Why haven't you married? Yeah! That's the question. Mine is a bit different from that. Why are you single? You want to know? Contact me personally and I will tell you.

I remember when God instituted marriage. He never said thy shall leave your mother and cling to your father. He said for you shall leave your father and mother and cling together to be one. I don't want to believe the only or major reason why we want to marry is for sex. It is also written "because of sexual immorality, every man should get himself a wife and a woman get herself a husband." 1 Cor 7:2.

Asides that, there are many things marriage entails. The creation of marriage is
recorded in Genesis 2:23-24: "The
man said, ‘This is now bone of my
bones and flesh of my flesh; she
shall be called “woman,” for she
was taken out of man.’ For this
reason a man will leave his father
and mother and be united to his
wife, and they will become one
flesh." Like I mentioned earlier on.

God created man and then
made woman to complement him.
Marriage is God’s “fix” for the fact
that “it is not good for the man to
be alone” Genesis 2:18.
I am addressing this because there are right now many wrong perceptions about marriage. And it's a pity Teenagers are beginning to fall victim of these. The rate at which teenagers hunger for this is quite alarming.

Yes! We all want to get married. But the question is DO YOU WANT TO BE GET MARRIED AND BE HAPPY?

Haha! I know your answer already. Yes! Nobody wants anything bad. As you've wished that, what knowledge do you have about marriage? For the fact that popular and humble Nollywood actress Omotola-Jalade Ekeinde got married at an early age. In fact, as a teenager; doesn't mean yours too will be as Rossy as hers.
You don't know what has been covered and how many things has been covered.
In fact, here and right now I have a perfect picture of how I want my own home and family to be. We all have that mapped out right? But sometimes it doesn't always be as we've planned it to be.

And that leads me to these questions.

1. What do know as marriage? Are you planning for a wedding or marriage?

2. What are your visions and perspective as being a mother and a wife, a husband and a father?

3. Can you maintain a home?

4. What are certain measures you take when it comes to family?

5. Can you switch from being a boss at work and being a wife and mother at home?

I could go on and on. Can you find answers to those? It isn't all about having children. It's all about being happy, growth and finding who you really are.

Mind you, I'm not a therapist neither am I marriage counsellor. I can only do my best within my own knowledge and God's directions.




  1. How can a father say he will satisfy his daughter sexually, he is a bloody bastard o, what kind of father is that, i don't know what this world is turning into...and as for me i also know what I want my home and marriage to be like, may God help us o

  2. Man, God has blessed you with wisdom indeed. God bless you, my man. I keep getting enlightened by every post you make.
