Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Morning Fresh!

But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Hebrew 11 vs 6

Faith is the ingredient that makes our lives palatable to God. No matter what we give, say, do etc. Without faith, God cannot be pleased. Faith is you acting on what you believe God has said.

Is is a total commitment to trust in God.
Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, Which cannot be moved, but abides forever. Psalm 125 vs 1

Listening to the news and getting afraid as a result is not faith. Reading and listening to God's word then relaxing on the integrity of the author is Faith.
Instead of spreading WhatsApp messages that trigger fear things from an unknown source, spread the sure word of God.

Another version of what actually mean.

Faith is your ability to see the invisible, act on it and take it in the physical realm.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not see. Hebrews 11 vs 13
An example of this is the Hebrew brothers. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They had faith and believed that nothing would happen to them when they are thrown into the hot furnace of fire. I'm pretty sure they weren't even prepared for what will happen next. And then they saw a fourth person there. JESUS CHRIST

Fix your heart on God and let your hand be ready to receive from him. Eliminate fear from your life by reminding yourself that God has the power to do all He has promised. He said, if we deny him before the world, before our friends and we always feel ashamed to talk about Him, he will also deny us. The Hebrew brothers didn't deny him and God really showed up. He proved his might before the lazy gods.

No matter what is going on, trust Him what all you have. With your last penny.

I give you an instance; a young boy asked his average father who is a clergyman what they were going to eat for Christmas. His father replied him God will provide. Depressed by his answer, obviously mean there wasn't any way they would celebrate Christmas. Not even any idea where the food will come from. Minutes later, he asked the same question and he got the same answer. He kept on asking until he decided there no hope. As the day was fast approaching to darkness.
A church member walked briskly by their street with two polythene bags. She withdrew her steps and said "Sir, I was directed to give you this". He opened it, lo and behold it was a polythene with a big hen.
He leaped for joy and couldn't express his reactions. Minutes later again, another old time neaighbour was driving pass and saw him in his state. He pulled over and was surprised to see him. They exchanged pleasantries and said "Sir, I have three kegs of oil and I don't like vegetable oil. Why not take one? Also I have carrots and fried rice ingredients. Would you want some?"

Once again, he was so joyous and ran about like he was just released from prison after so many years. The long time neighbour left and he quickly went to wake his son from his sleep and told him the news. That was how he celebrated Christmas with his family.

Once you have an undying faith, he will surely usher you into the supernatural with your faith as your password.

Conclusively, when all things have failed and all men have turned you down, switch over to God. He will never leave or forsake you. He is looking for those who will come up to His supernatural level. Faith is the ladder.

Are you burdened, heavily laden and you think suicide is the only solution. Why not switch to that password. Ofcourse, this is meant for those who believe in Him. You trust him. Are you ready to take that huge step of faith?