Monday, 1 February 2016

World Hijab Day

many times a year do we enjoy a free day from work and if it is not free, merely reminded of special days in our calendar? The short answer is quite a few. Having said that, my question for you is: what do you know about the World Hijab Day on the 1st of February?

 It's the new month and it begins with recognizing the Hijab which many as seen as the symbol of faith and purity in Islam. Though with wrong misconceptions because of the devilish acts being used by the insurgents in the North East of Nigeria.

Many have joined the muslim brothers and sisters all over the world to put on the Hijab. And like it's often said "Don't judge until you've been through the same". Wearing the hijab is to commemorate ourselves irrespective of differences in religion. I do watch a show every morning YOUR VIEW on TVC and I was amazed with the way the ladies dressed on the show. Christians at that. We need to go beyond sentiments and do what's right.

 It's only humans that has turned positive to negative and everyone seems to follow the trend when you know the right thing.

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